Friday, November 5, 2010

The Giant(s) Victory Parade in San Francisco

We'll let the front pages--headlines and pictures in the 04 November issues--of selected California newspapers tell how it was when the Giants rode motorized cable cars (two per car) through a thick rain of ticker-tape from Montgomery St. to City Hall with Willie Mays (the Say Hey Kid) and Willie McCovey, both Hall of Famers, at the head of the victory parade. 

We hope our friends in the Modesto area thought of keeping an extra copy of the "A Giant Dream Come True" pull-out the Modesto Bee issue of 04 November; it's not available online for souvenir hunters like us.

This coming Sunday, the San Jose Mercury News will have a Special Giants Commemorative Section. Same wish to friends in that area for them to keep a copy for us.

We like the title of the 128-page keepsake book from the San Francisco Chronicle: "Torture to Rapture".  It doesn't come with the regular edition of the paper, but it can be purchased through 

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