Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wikileaks' underground bunker in Sweden

Wikileaks' internet servers are operating in an underground nuclear-proof bunker in Sweden. The front page photo (below) of the Gold Coast Bulletin issue of December 10, and twelve more in the inside pages remind us of the futuristic sets of science-fiction movies.

In contrast, it's jail for Julian Assange, and he's not been allowed to bring his computer to his detention cell.  His arrest has not stopped the leaks though, the latest having to do with Pope Benedict XVI and the Vatican regarding Turkey, Anglicans and child sex abuse.

Wikileaks was on the move after the shut-out by, but then around 500 mirror sites sprang up from around the cyberworld capable of releasing the 250,000 US embassy cables anytime.

When Assange was denied bail, Operation Payback, an activist group, attacked the MasterCard and Visa websites, among others.

What would happen if Assange is extradited to Sweden to face the rape charges against him? An arrest warrant went out not because of Weakileaks but of sexual crime he allegedly committed when he visited that country earlier this year.

What would happen if Sweden delivers Assange--the "Ned Kelly of the digital age" to the Sydney Morning Herald--to American custody for a possible espionage case?

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