Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mourning front pages for mudslide-hit Zhoqu, China

Mournful front pages.

"Life is returning to normal and survivors are trying to walk out from the shadow of losing their beloved ones eight days after a devastating landslide hit the county," Wang Huazhong and He Dan of China Daily reported from mudslide-hit Zhouqu. 

"About 500 people have been temporarily housed in 103 tents in the campus of the No 1 Middle School, which is situated on a hill on the north side of Zhouqu. Two television sets in the teaching building and many radios placed inside tents are connecting people with the outside world."

More details from them at http://chinadaily.com.cn/china/2010-08/17/content_11161507.htm.

Front Pages of Chongqing Times, and The Global Times

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